Thursday 21 July 2011

The Winter Chronicles of Vickass the Noobie Melbourne Tour Guide 1

HAHA. Allow me to laugh at myself! Nyek nyek nyek! cuz this is the chronicles of the phail noobie melbourne tour guide -- ME! :D yes, i spent the winter holidays being the tour guide to my ever so lovely monkey fwens from HELP. :D to start it off, i have never really been to most of the places that i brought them to :@ HAHA! but i guess i still PASSSSED.. WHEE XD 

My Tour Guide Bummers include :

  1. Suck at directions, max! @_@" 
  2. Taking the tram in the wrong direction
  3. Taking the tram and giving the impression that "no worries, i knw where we're going", but of course, i dont. lalala~
  4. Cannot decide where to eat @_@ talk abt standing in the cold for 1 hour just fr everyone to decide where to makan z! :S
  5. That's it! i think........

I am still feeeeeeling so blesssed to be able to spend my holidays with a bunch of my closest friends! That's called a holiday well-spent! :D yeeehaw! i'm glad i havent really explored the city myself and could then do so with the bunch of monkeys.. if not i will be bored to death X__X

Passengers on Vickass's Noobie Tour (Chapter 1) :
  • ALLYSA YAP checked in from Perth :)
  • MELISSA CHOW CHOW checked in from Brisbane :)
  • JAMES BOHBOHHH checked in from Brisbane :)
  • BUTTBOY SAKAI JUNHAO checked in from.. HUTAN :D 

There's so much to do in Melbie! Talk abt a wonderful city and tonnes of goood fooood :D 
Sunset @ Webb Bridge, Docklands
I rmb i was so so so so happy at the time cuz sunsets are my favourite! :D
i kept telling viyi & christy :
"OMGG.. We caught the sunset!!"
God knows how many times i repeated that sentence @_@ i was just too excited.
And God knows how long i was snapping away pictures with my cammie =.=

The sun coated the buildings with its golden hue..
It's just so beautiful, way Awesome-r than the pict!
I hope i could live in the sunset forever. :D

1) Christy, Allysa, and Vickster :D
2) Me & Viyi doing some monkey pose, cuz the bridge reminded us of
monkey bars, EH NO NO dat's just me, Allysa is a monkey in nature =P
3) V for Viyi and Vicky!

Spot the 2 doinkeys poppin out frm the bridge? LOL. not me.
Me n allysa with the sunset that i fell in love with :)
I fell in love with the sunset :)
i rmb i was so reluctant to leave.. but Allysa the dinosaur force me.. BOO!!

The next day is the day Melissa Chow Chow and James BohBohhh arrived at Melbie. So we went for a walk in the city after dinner @ Thai Culinary. And as usual, we fooled around. NO, NOT DAT WAY, not the twisted way. @__@ 

Awesome Din Din! Chicken Spare Ribs, Panang Curry, Spicy Pork Noodle Soup!
There's a reason why he's called Butt Boy @_@
Walking around the city. Abit phail cuz the pics are not very clear. 
@ Flinder's Street Station!
Us at "The Light in Winter" Exhibition in Fed Square
LIGHT HEARTS by Bruce Ramus 
Big Ass Lantern! XD
Trust me.. This was supposed to be a pic of 5 of us..
I love the moron ausssies. =.=
Viyi's ju-on attempt HAHAH! And Butt Boy's lighting his ass up.
or more like he laid a big ass light bulb!
By the Yarra River in front of Crown Casino, opposite the Mebourne Aquarium :D
i'm lovin the feeel of this piccie! XD
Someone please tell me..
How is this a good lake to fish in???!!! @_@

And we camwhored the night away. X.

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