Wednesday 20 July 2011

Unexpected Company & Dragon Breaths!! :D

MELBOURNE is really helluva small world!! :DDDD 

First, i kept bumping into Melissa and Suwei. Bumped into Mel one day at Crown, next few days bumped into both of them together at Lion Hotel Pub, the next day bumped into SuWei in DFO! K point i'm trying to prove is, MELBOURNE IS SUCHA SMALL PLACE!! :) 

Bumped into them @ Lion City. So random!
Argh hate those ppl who jump into pics! why aussie full of morons =/
Glad to see them girls :D Havent seen Mel since her Bday Party at her hse!

Next, I found out that Rachel Tong Wai Mun is in Melbourne! I din know that she's been here for one week already cuz i kaput facebook for awhile. HAHAH XD so yes i'mma hang with her till my hols ends!! SUCH A BLISS!! My holidays are really well-spent with frens flying into melbourne from everywhere!!! From perth, brisbane, and malaysia!!! <3 FEEEELIN THE LOVE!! i'm sucha lucky girl! cant ask for more!! Sobs sobs. :') 

YESTERDAY : Went to Chokolait with Rach
I didnt bring my cammie.. :'(
and she didnt upload the pics yet la!
This is all i got, stolen from her fb.
 so phail. HAHA XD

We had this! Strawberry Pavlova! :D
I had this once before with Viyi and Mel and Maggay!
Lemme emphasise how good this tastes!
Brings u up to heaven and back!! =P
HAHHAAH k abit exaggerating, but both of us loved it!<3

TODAY : Went to Dandenong with Rach, her sis and her petbro. We had a great time! Pics later! and at night, went to shisha after dindin with her fren, Su Wen. LOL, i had fun! Considering it's only my 2nd time shisha-ing.. I'm damn Noob weih.. and Rachel is like EFFING PRO. @_@ i'm not even kiddding. =.= 

The pics shall tell the story...

Oni a tiny pufff came out.. omg. @__@"
loser lo me :S

This is Rach's friend, Su Wen.
Can see she also shisha kaki la.
me so pathetic :/

After few tutorials and advices from the very "experienced", i got some improvements phew! not so pathetic nemore!! :DDDDDD happppy! sense of achievement weih!
Me and my mini dragon breath LOL!
Unphailed myself!

My intention was to take the graffiti in the background, haha with the dragon breath. LOL! looks nais! Esp rach's pic. NAIS. Smoking shisha must be associated with some dodgy feeel, LOL my philosophy swt. 

Conclusion : I LEARNT TO SMOKE SHISHA TODAY. It's something new. WHEE. Please teach me more, life!! :D

i'mma nida update this journal of mine with things i did with all of my friends during the hols! So much to write! So little time! XD till then! X.

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