Thursday 4 August 2011

Phillip Island Road Trip #5!!

While the monkey Help-ers were here during the winter breakie, we went on a 2 day road trip to Phillip Island & Great Ocean Road! XD We rented cars and allll, hahaha, but cuz of sakai planning, time constriction and bad ass weather.. the trip was super Swt - it was more like a "HOW COLD CAN U TAHAN" marathon game @_@ for 2 freakin days. stupiak weather. Shud call it "BATTLE WITH THE WEATHER ROAD TRIP" or sth.. NIGHTMARE. but even so, I ENJOYED THE NIGHTMARE CUZ ALL OF US MONKEYS WENT THRU IT TOGETHER! THE POWER OF LOVE BAYBEH!! It is too EPIC to forget this road trip weyh.. at least all of us came out sronger. :)  so after that, the cold weather in melb city is just Peanuts =P compared to this devil we went thru :S

Road Trip Day #1 : PHILLIP ISLAND :D
1ST Stop : A Maze 'N Things
After 2 hours almost hitting 3 hours journey
At first we were quite bedazzled. What kinda place is this?! Amazing Things? We tot it was a children kinda place but hey! It turned out to be quite fun! XD See the Unusual Tap? It's quite cool. There this pole thingy supporting the tap inside the water area. HOLY SMART ASS. @_@

This place is really full of interesting stufffies!! Had an eye full, but managed to take some pics :
Like this Gravity Laddder, it's amazing we could stand at that bad ass angle! HAAH! XD but it's all abt the slanted wallls and slopey flooor =)
LOL MAGGGGEH doing the MJ pose SWT MAX @_@

We were in this Mirror Maze! So cool weyh! It's hard to tell which way out cuz u cant tell the path or is it a mirror in the way!! If there were really so many "ME"s.. my friends wil all be annoyed to death HAH! XD

Fancy some Monkey Brains for dinnnah? ;p
Those are actually mirrors below the table ;)

Maggeh would prefer it to be a real life situation ;)

In a rotating thingy, makes ur head spin right round right round.. till u see Flo Rida XD

Amazing Much? :) Snow White and 7 Dwarfies.

And the finale !! We went for this REALLY HIGH SLIDE. U nida dangle urself at the top of the REALLLY TALLL SLIDE.. LIKE.. 20ft high.. And u let go.. And WHOOSH.. U SLIDE ALL THE WAY DOWN SMOOOTHLY! we had to wear these jumpsuits.. LOL. AND I AM AFRAID OF HEIGHTS OMG.. Gues how long it took me to go down the freakin slide?
Hell yeah i was freakin out. @_@ took me Half an hour to finally get down! And after i conquered my fear... WHOO feeels gooood! And i went on for another 4 times WTF.
When i jumped into the sea in Hawaii, it was even scarier, no support, and just JUMP. It was higher than this too, jumping into the sea from a rock.. THE ADRENALINE rush omg. Scary.. but feels good after that! Sense of accomplishment. and i did that 7 times HAHAHA XD
it's like jumping into uncertainty, and the what ifs are pulling us back.. What happened to the Adventurous and DARE DEVIL me? I USED TO BE. bt i guess as time goes.. people change after hitting nails.

When adrenaline rushes in..... this is what u get.. LOL :
Laugh my ass off man...... LOLLLL. *pictures taken frm Kelly's fb*

After that we went to the Nobbies Centre for Seal watching. ZZZ. Cold like mama. Din watch seal. Stayed in car after got atttacked by crazy assssss wind and rain OMGGG. Did i say torture? yea it's torture T_T
Looks so innocent, bt they're the reason we din get to enjoy the view. CRUEL.

Hush. The view outside was actually breathtakinggggg.
Since it was so nice, we decided to CHIONG AH! Go all out!! FIGHT THE WEATHER!
This is how badass the wind was. And it was raining actually =( made my hair Octopus-ed my face @_@

The wind was so strong, it was messing with our hair pfft... and the rain was patting against our face. 
But at least i made the sun come out!! :)
Without rain there wont be a rainbow! :)
The motion u see from the pic.. is actually MJ saying "OI FASTER LAH WEIH FASTER!! (FAI TIT LA FAI TIT)" cuz it was freeezing cold.. as u can see i wore double coat.. bt still i felt freeeezing @_@ the weather is really testing us. And from James and Viyi's faces.. Nuf Sed.
Some people walk in the rain, but others just get wet
I guess all of us got wet.

Then we set off to watch the penguins in the slotted time in the eveningg. GRR means we have to watch in RAIN and WIND omg *faints*
It was so cold, we can literally turn into penguins, LOL.
Lucky us we bought the ponchos.. cuz when we were watching the penguins, it rained and wind like bloody hell! :/ i dun even knw how to describe that situation man.....

And so this was where we sat down patiently for them lil cute ass penguins to emerge from the sea.. and tut tut tut they willl walk back to their nest.. DAMN CUTE!! 
notice that it's open air? @_@ we were sitting by this beach in the strong wind and rain. T___T harsh weather. luckily we bought ponchos! AUD5 each weyh. BUT THANK GOD. if not, i couldnt gotten brain freeeze. My hands, just becuz they were outside the poncho, got super numb. just imagine if.... X_X
and only me maggeh and viyi got the ponchos. SO YEAH. the rest all.. pity them. =P

everyone was wett.. esp those without ponchos.. whole body wet @_@ nice feeeling i bet lol.

And so we said Bye to the brutal Phillip Island, with epic memories to treasure XD

And sho, haha, our routine at night after the brutal experience. :)
Viyi was busy fat-haoing infront of her webcam.. HAHA while we prepare for drinks! XD
mind my messsy roooom HAHA XD
AWW miss them sho muchie! :'(

maggeh dun kill me for posting this pic hahah!! XD
i realllly misss having them in my rooom.. all the stupiak things we do.. HAHAH :)
We had one extra company! HOHO! XD
Hahaha when u babes punya wedddding.. the "vids" shall go up ahahhah! LOL!

Maggie like to snifff assses. =) 
Apparently viyi's butt didnt smell so good. ;p


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