Wednesday, 17 August 2011

My New Fringe! :DDDDDDDD

Holy Mama Cow!!!!!!  

Ya my hands were itchy and i decided to chop hair! XD wakkaka. It took me more than 1 mth to muster the strength to chop my fringe. i had been whining abt cuttting my fringe for god knows how long, and now, i've finalllly done it!! AND I DID IT MYSELF *PROUD* :D it's kinda fuN woohoo! The feeeeeling of having control over my hair's fate for the first friggin time in my life, IS AWESHUM :) and even if it goes wrong, I have no noob hairstylist to blame! LOL and it's just hair... it'll grow back eventually, why not have fun with it i thought! ;) teehee!

This was 3 mths ago where i dyed my hair red, oh no, my housemates - van and shiqi helped me dye my hair red HAHAHH!! :D
i heart it sho much!
Best housemates evahhhh

And now, Hair Chopper = Me, Victim = ME, OHHLALA!~
This is my first attempt..
Hoho, scary much?
tooook me more than one month for that strength :)
Snip snip snip... snipping away aimlessssly.. :')
and as u can see, i'm using paria craft scissors HAHA!
enjoying the processssss tho..
and ended up with.. 
i dont realli knw what im cutting, but i oni tahan-ed this fringe for ONE DAY!
it was so annoying! cuz not short not long, cannot tuck behind my ear @_@
So the next day i cut again.. 
but as u can see the red is not there nemore, it's just a subtle hint now :(
Nothing Lasts Forever.

LOL, first time blow fringe fail!!!!! senget one side @_@
hahahah see that "one pek" hair... lol.. i think there's more hair on dat side.. 
im a nooob ma.. quite imba.. but i like the abnormal look!!!! HAHA! 
nobody's perfect baybeh! :)

Just Foolin, =P

Ok so i tried taking a silly pic at a high angle, and WTF.
not only i look like a monstah, scary as hellll @_@
 my hair made the illlusion like i have coconut booobs! damn huge the illusion omg.

AT LAST, Most importantly, i can loook decent when i tie my hair up FINALLY!
whoooooo last time cuz had this long ass fringe, look funnny everytime i tie my hair up,
but now, AHHH happpy! ;)

Overall, the chop was FUNtastic! I had fun in the processss, trial and errrror blah blah, and youtube some haircut vids and gooogle some image, and tadahhhhh, came out with some vickass wacky hairstyle HAHAH! XD
But most importantly, I'm GLAD :) 
i'm glad of so many things!
I'm glad cuz my hair turned out not bad at all teehee! XD --> save money =P
I'm glad cuz i realised i was able to take it on light-heartedly, DO FIRST THINK LATER! then SNIP, too late, no turning back hoho! It's just hair after all! :D
I'm glad i can take on the change, I'm glad that im not afraid to change -- sometimes u just have to come out of ur comfort zone, come out from the past, plunge into the present, take the risk, and IMPRESS YOURSELF :)
and i'm glad that im not controlled by what people think, in my mind i was like "AH fuck it, look ugly oni mah, not like it matters" -- not a slave of perceptions. :)

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