Tuesday 28 June 2011

Funny Attempt to be LADYBOY! :DDDDDD

HAHAHA was skyping with charis dat day and somehow i started doing something funny. LOLS. an attempt to be a "ladyboy" - dat's what lungster regarded it as @__@ ,  and i actually pulled off quite an amazing Mohawk. WAKAKKAKA  lolsss. Here's the product of our stupidity :)

.... urh.. SAMPAT MAX. I swear i was High or sth.. I swear.. =.="

  Coconut Fringe attempt.. PHAIL. 

OMG.. look like auntie in the pasar HAHHA XD

Idk what is this.. But the pic quality sux.. thx to charis's hi quality webcam :)

And i looked so epic dat i had to take a pic of myself as a mark of stupidity.
HAHAA im so in love with my "cuteness"
              I know i look very yong sui.. so signing off nowwwwwww. XOXO.

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