Wednesday 31 August 2011

Birthdays @ Unit O/118 Bouverie Street.

I hope i wont get stalked cuz i just disclosed my address :@
i'm reallly lucky to have nice and sweeeeetass housemates :)
i'll go bonkers if i have weird ass housemates, 
like the one ShuHua had who is fatass, but stole all her clothes and makeup, 
which obviously she couldnt fit in HAHA XD
OMG IM SO BAD. k me shud stop hatin! :x

Lemme intro intro my lovelayyyyys! :)
and yes, that is our whole stack of Ben & Jerry's icecream!! My fav is Strawberry n Cheesecake :)
i tried to get funnny pictures of my housemates, URGH, but oni found christy's. =.=

Whokays, so up until now, all of my housemates have celebrated their bdays, except for me!
Mine will be a miserable 21st, cuz it's exam period. HAH! XD
but oh wellll, we'll nvr know! ^^

29th March
She celebrated her 2Xth bday haha!
*shall nt disclose age..;P*
She's studying her Masters in Architecture in Melb Uni ^^
And so i remembered, ShiQi planned a surprise bday wake up call HAHH!!
so on the morning of her bday, when Van was in the bathroom, me and ShiQi sneaked into her room ;p
and hid behind the doooooor
and when she came back in, we gave her the heart attack of her life! HAHAH!! XD
-christy was supposed to be a part of the surprise bt she was happily sleeping like a pig @@-

and while we go back to be pigs.. Van left these on our dooor :)
ShiQi got the same exact msg... Lazy Van.. Mou Sam! HAHAH XD jk lah!
And i still have the note sticking out at my dooor until now :)
and haha, ya imma fartoholic ;p
and so we had a lil Pizza party, over bought pizza tho, 5 large pizzas @_@
oni 7 of us HAHAH!! XD

Shi Qi
1st July
Master in Architechture too! :)
Birthdays are somehow always related to surprises, so blisssful!
and so Van planned the surprise, we went to MC to buy Krispy Kreme while ShiQi was out at uni.
Sneaky much yeah! ;p
Haha chaos in my room just before midnight! ;D
poking those fragile candles thru the hard donuts are a pain in the ass, bt still we managed! ;)
And TADA, we are ready and set to go storm the front for the surprise!
Christy flashing her Million Dolllar Smile lol! XD
somehow, it's really exciting to deliver a surprise.
knowing that u will transfer that smile on ur face, to the other person, only 10x as much.
can u feeel the feeeling of warmth and blisss in those flames? ;)
haha mind my messsy table. :s

No one can hide the expression of joy, it's written all over the face. :)

AHHHHH, that's the smile that makes it all worth it :)

and i think it was my idea, to do sth stupid @_@
Candid moment! i love best! :) us at our Laughing best.
i looooooook like a MONKAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY =.="
HAHHA, bonkers! ShiQi trying to imitate my monkey pose? HAAH!
twas a fun night with loadsa histerics,
and a hard time to finish up the super sweeeeeeet sinful donuts. :)
Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value of joy, you must have somebody to divide it with. ~Mark Twain

19th August
Doing her Foundation in Arts in RMIT! :)
So we wished her Happy Birthday at midnight, didnt surprise anyth, bcuz we knw the major surprise comes tmr.. nyek nyek. ;p

I went out for a birthday brunch with her at Mr Tulk! :)
k i look really cheeena! XD
me realise me very racist and stereotypical hahahah! XD

Mr Tulk is a part of the State Library on Swanston :)
very prepppy feeeely cafe.
come here to meet felllow geniuses or smartie pants or eccentric geeks or prepppppy librarians ;p

Our fooooooodie :

dont get deceived by the pic, the portion is fking small. wanna swear really at that moment HAH!
but both of us loveddd the toasted banana bread, that was awesome.
but we're not a fan of the baked egggs, cuz eww can taste the bitterness of the spinach mash, and it actualllly loook icky, take a loook below :
reminds me of some chinese bitter herbal medicine.
oh welll, but it's food! no good to complain tooo much!
so lucky to have fancy brunch when there are people out there chewing on tree branches.
the world is unfair i know, that's why do not take it for granted, we are so lucky!

Argh fishbalL! hahah yummmy ! lol. Bye Mr Tulk! :D

And then the night, after my work, I called Christy's friend, Vina to arrange for the surprise!
Christy's friends were a bunch of thoughtful people!
not only they surprised her with an awesome bday booklet, they planned to surprise her at our home too! so sweeeeeet :)
so i made sure that christy was back frm work and in her roooom, and we all went..
*knock knock* SURPRISE!!!!!!!!! :DDDD
christy and her unimates :)
IF ONLY i had the picture of her expresssssion when she was surprised, oh well.
Happy Bday babe, :)

the next morning, we went out together to have bday brunch for christy @ Seven Seeds.

heard from JiaShen that they had award-winning coffee in Melbourne :D
but too bad, i dont knw how to differentiate good and bad coffee lol!
i love my coffee with different funky flavours, like coconut LOL!

YUMMM, both were gooood!
we also had some pastries and cakes which wasnt great, so wouldnt bother posting the pics :)

Hahah christy is sho kiut! ^^

I love bdays, cuz it's always filled with joy, and laughter.
and it's the perfect opportunity to make someone smile.
and with that, you smile too. :)



Monday 29 August 2011

Tonight I Wanna Cry :')

I heard this song while watching X-factor today..
And I felt that familiar sting.
it struck me like bulls-eye.
It's been almost 4 years, ever since my one and only truest love and deepest ever heartbreak.
we were never together.

" The way that it was and could have been surrounds me
I'll never get over myself walkin' away "

It was so dreadful, like sucking out my very soul, everytime I thought of what could've been.
Maybe it would turn out the same? :/

But i chose to walk away.
Because, and only because, I thought, and still think, 
that it was the best for you, and that you will be happy.
maybe i was wrong.
but i chose to hurt myself, rather than u hurt me.
I didn't wanna make your life miserable.
"Things we do, we do for ourselves. But that which we love we have no choice but to give away."
- Edmond Medina 

I've never been the kind to ever let my feelings show
And I thought that bein' strong meant never losin' your self-control
But I'm just drunk enough to let go of my pain
To hell with my pride, let it fall like rain
From my eyes
Tonight I wanna cry

The hardest ever part,
was to tell you that I don't love you,
when I loved you with all my heart.
and having to say that, i know it stings for you, or maybe not?
but it was killing me inside, million times over.
I acted strong, I acted like nothing was wrong.
I acted like you were nothing,
But u were everything.
All i could think of, was, "As long as u're happy",
even if it means not owning you.
"If our love is only a will to possess, it is not love." - Thich Nhat Hanh 

but i gotta say, trying to be happy for you? was Hard ass. 
-Knowing that i'm not the reason for that smile.
But i tried, and had always did.
"I finally understood what true love meant that you care for another person's happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be." 
— Nicholas Sparks (Dear John)

"It's gonna hurt bad before it gets better
But I'll never get over you by hidin' this way"

It's not easy to act. And hide. And keep everything inside.
"Love is when you look into someones eyes and go all the way inside,
to their soul and you both know... instantly."
i remember asking you, do you have this weird feeling everytime u see me? 
"yeah.." that's what u said.
and i chose to stay away...
to avoid complications.
we had it in us, bt we were never meant to be.

"My daddy said, that the first time you fall in love, it changes you forever and no matter how hard you try, that feeling just never goes away." 
— Nicholas Sparks (The Notebook)
I guess that's true, the feeling of first love, 
it was so pure,
as it grew from sth so innocent, into something that will last forever.
it's when u put all ur heart out, not knowing how to hold back,
and it's also when the first cut is the deepest.
And i guess the feeling of how it felt will always be there.
but of course now, i came out as a different person.
it changed me.
I'm more aware to guard my feelings,
no more dumb dumb in love that kinda thing.
no more fairytale when u've been slapped by reality.
and i came out stronger,
cuz what doesnt kill you makes u stronger aint it?
and that was also when, I felt true happiness - when i fell in love,
and true sadness - when i walked away.
thank you for opening my eyes and heart.
trust me, the steps, while taking the road, were hard and heavy, that's why it left footprints.

I'm glad i was able to grow and got through it.
but sometimes i wonder if i would be able to love like this again?
do i know how to love again?
previously. it always came to a point where it doesnt seem right,
because I have not really gotten over you.
I had been telling myself, that i'm okay, even when im not.
but at least now, i took alot of time off, and faced it,
i know i'm much better,
i know i've gotten over,
and i know im a stronger and better person as a whole.

I'm sorry for the hurt i've caused in the journey to heal my own heart. :'(
not only i've failed, i've magnified the pain. 
cuz when the truth is uncovered, it hurts twice as much, 
knowing that i'm still heartbroken, and knowing that i've hurt someone else.

But with all that said, I still know that,
Life goes on, and in everything we do, we must have faith.
cuz to be scared, to be afraid, and not doing things cuz of fear, it's like you're not living a life.
you're not alive.
and to be revived, you have to learn to love again.

and i dont wanna keep ranting on my grief,
cuz i know the world wouldnt stop spinning no matter how broken my heart was.
there is so much more to life, i know.
I've turned this sadness, into a strength for myself to achieve my dreams, 
to do other stuffs that my heart longs for,
like travelling :)
 just to make it feel complete again.

and i still believe,
when it comes to love, there is no right or wrong.
if u choose to love someone, despite of whatever state he/she is in, there is no right/wrong.
there are only the paths that you choose,
or the things that you do out of love - which should never be judged.

you never would've thought, behind this smile, behind this boisterous laugh, behind this cheerful girl, 
WAS a very broken heart.
WAS. not anymore.
but i'm getting better everyday, ;)
and i can say that i'm almost good now,
and i dont have much space for grief anymore. :)
i have the courage and faith to believe in love again.

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." 
— Maya Angelou


Tuesday 23 August 2011

The Winter Chronicles #7

7th July 2011
And so it came down to Maggie and the Help-ers' last day in Melbie. :'(
Screw Tiger Airways for cuttting their days in Melbie short. pfft!
This was how the last day went..
Brought Maggeh to the Victoria Market since it's jz nearby the place i stay.
Everyone was tired from the past two days of gruelling road trip lol.
Had Lunch at Thai Culinary jz cuz we dont know what to eat lol :) 4 of us girls..
and we "bumped" into them guys after we're done hahah!
Melbourne Central and the GPO clock tower. :)
Bumped into KarYing and WeiYi

nobody leaves the GPO without a pic with the big fatass purse!! XD

After that is CHOCOLATE time again!
Melbie is sucha chocolate heaven :) i bet i'll pulang kampung with a big choco bellly!
This time we went to CHOKOLAIT, a personal favourite located in the Royal Arcade.
and we ate.....!! the best pavlova i had in my entire life...!! <3
The loook of this is already heaven..
And the double cream on the top... OHMAIGOD. 
And the chocolate bites in between the fluffy pavlova, with them strawberrries, HEAVEN. :)
And the chef was such a frenly man aww.
he greeeeted us with the loveliest pavlova, and even chatted and joked arnd. 
the world needs more people like this :)
HAHAH james reallllly looks like a cute tedddddybear lol! XD
weiyu is a Mafia bunnnnny ;p MJ is a redindian chinaman LMAO! 
and ahbeng.. that really suits him somehow LOL!
Friends Forever people... and no, u dont have a choice. ;p

just wanted to make maggie sorpor look like a loud auntie in the pasar HAHHA!! XD
Super Thicknessss and OH SO RICH. ;) me the likes!
Sometimes things in life are better rich... eg. Coffee, Chocolate.......... and MEN. 
Mel posing with her cuteass koala from Weiyu? Hmmmm...... :p cute tho!

Next, continued the stroll in the city and came about Union Lane.
hahah super feeeeel like slappping magggggeh!!! XD
And MJ super poser... super look like CHINA MAN. @_@ China pose.
kkk i nida stop with the stereotyping haha!
WEIYU.... He look like BAE YONG JUN here OMG!! @_@
but still, HOSIER LANE ftw! :D

lol realllly looks like a family portrait lorh! XD

itu maggie Fat Hao =.="

we were there at 4.50 i think?! and the shrine's topdeck closes at 5!!
we didnt manage to get up there the first time cuz we arrived at 5?
so this time i am determined to go up at any cost!
and so i flirted with the guard. @_@
i said we're all frm malaysia and today's our last day here.. yada yada.. and it worked! 
WOOOHOOOO! happppppppppy :D

love the view of the skyline from the top of the shrine... the view of the city is amazing from the toP!
BETTER THAN EUREKA SKYDECK. :) and this is freee.

love the skyline!
we caught the sunset <3
Melbourne is really a beautiful city :) i hearts.
we were only allowed up there for 10 min, bt stilll, the view managed to steal my breath :)
this is a nice pic james! :)

a beautiful sunset that was mistaken for a dawn :)

Salute to the Aussie's National Anthem hah!
love the whole rustic feeeel
i love vintage! :)

viyi.. fat-haoing in her own world.. LOL


i miss u babes so much.. :'(
i had the most memorable winter in melbie :)

The flame will go on.. and on.. and on..
It fuels the extra mile that i will go for you, yet it is burning me inside.

And then it's dinnnah time!
We dili-deli at Fed Square for one hour before coming down to a conclusion OMG. @_@
realllly headache and annoying HAHAH!
They have the best Ramen!! :)
The CharShu is melt-in-the-mouth *slurp slurp*
Mel happily nomming away with her sushi burger courtesy of Butty. Yes he is just so Pian Xin. ;p

the butttty joined us for dinnah!
awwwwwwwwwww.. ;')
sorrry ah Johnny for causing u to dulan dat day :)
but too bad, no photography allowed..
we went to Spearmint Rhino on King St.
i rmb there were 10 of us, and the bouncer was like "u know what kinda club this is right..?"
and we were like, "YAAA....." dat's like the whole freakin point we're here!
we all entered before 9pm so it was freee, poor butt waited for us in SUBWAY omg. =.=
AND SO, there was half naked girls doing pole dancing.. and they were stripping.. till we can see their titttays! @_@
and trust me, i havent seeen the guys in our gang be so FOCUSED before, serious shit!
and suddddddenly.. two strippers approached 5 of us girls.. asking if we wanna "have some fun"
we all stun gei. @_@ ahaa, bt we bodoh bodoh followed them..
HAHHA, then they offer price 50bux per person WALAOSAI.
then we all wanted to chao, and in the end we paid like 15 bux each?
viyi and karying bailed, so it was me, hsini, mel and magg.
and hahaha, it was so unexpected, i tot they gonna giv us some raunchy show or whatevs, i tot tiger show?  
*awkward max*
imagine the strippper was there zha-ing her tits and booobie sandwiching me and i was Laughing My Ass Off the whole way... luckily didnt accidentally bite her nips @_@ 
it's ticklish. and it's jz too funny for me to bear LOL!
their boooobs are so flufffy and soft btw, wonder why. wonder how. hmmm. like cotton candy. ;p
it was a really interesting and funnny shit experience for us girls, maybe traumatising for some, like Mel. 
and the guys... hahahaha kena conned max. =P

Eventually, we ended the day at San Churros as Hsini had 50% off vouchers.
Can u feel butt boy's "storm the front" spirit?
With him there, hahaha, this scene only last for 5 minutes. :)
with buttty, u really nida snatch ur foood, cuz if u're late, it willl be all gonners.

it was the last night in Melbie for Maggie, Weiyu, MJ, and Kelly.

- i misss all of u so much, esp the babes, hope to seee u all reallly sooon -
- we part just to meet again -
